Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since I've last posted. I've ditched the former P90X Hybrid I was doing in favor of a new that is working out great so far. It's much more suited for me. My previous Hybrid had me working out 4 week of resistance then a recovery week between phases however it was way too long. So now I have it down to 3 weeks of resistance and 1 week of recovery between phases.

I've had a few problems with the other one. First of all it became boring and difficulty to manage if I had to miss a day. It was more rigid than necessary. The other problem I had was each phase was exactly the same so where would the muscle confusion happen and there is no payoff at the end of the cycle. This will take me to the beginning of the new year. Anyway, it will certainly work for me. I'm looking forward to the variety and a length I'm used to. I am doing "Killer Abs" and "Plyo Legs" from Tony Horton's One on One series, too.

I'm looking forward to it. I'm two weeks in and I believe it's really going to benefit me in the end. I'm considering doing another straight P90X round after I finish this one in January. It will be nice to start the new year off on a good note. It's been a huge year of change for both Debbie and myself. We are very blessed but it doesn't come easy.

Faith, hard work, and dedication is the key to solid wellness. Faith for us comes in two forms: Faith in God that he will meet our needs according to His will and Faith in ourselves that we can truly see things through to the very end. Hard work in every workout by not making the workouts easy so we can push ourselves to the max or what we say in our family, "Full Tilt Boogie!" Dedication is something we need to dig down deep for and remind ourselves what is the purpose of us good wellness anyway? Is it honoring God through wellness, longevity, transformation, or feeling physically strong? For us it's all of those things. See hybrid below: