Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Modify! Modify! Modify!

I'm constantly modifying my workouts now. Anytime I get a hold of something new to add variety to my workouts I will most certainly do it. Like yesterday, I added "1 on 1 With Tony Horton: Plyo Legs" to my rotation. It's a somewhat advanced routine of P90X and X+ where there is more focus on the legs. I also have another routine I'm debating on rotating in and that's his "Killer Abs" routine. Anyway, the more variety you add to your arsenal of stuff the less you will get bored and plateau. So, I will see how this all works out.

I'm still debating on when to take more progress pics. I believe the improvements are few and far between now that I've shed a lot of excess body fat. I need to stop looking for physical improvements and concentrate on improved performance. My nutrition has been going pretty good with exception to this past was my birthday so I let loose on a few meals. Now, I'm back on the horse going full steam ahead.

There is one thing that has become a growing concern of mine and that's getting obsessive with wellness. I have so many other priorities that are far more important. It would be wise that I take an assessment of my priorities and make sure that I place all of them in proper alignment. Wellness should be a way of life but shouldn't out weigh my Faith in God, Marriage and Family. Many times I believe people loose sight of what their purpose of wellness or have a limited focus on it.

Their is a bigger picture to wellness and it should never be focused just on appearance....that is short lived. This is one of the reasons why, I believe, individuals fail or ignore proper nutrition. They do not want to engage in what is necessary or let go of what is comfortable but they will certainly do the workouts because that's the fun stuff. Though, they wonder why their results are few and far between. I think eating is the fun stuff. I hate working out. It's a pain in the ass and a few other places just for the sake of being healthy but you need to fuel up people. If you fuel yourself with crap then your workouts will always suffer.

So, what does all this have to do with "Modify?" People will need to make serious modifications and adjustments to their life if they want to see results that last a lifetime. Isn't this what it's about....having an extended lifetime? The reason why I do anything on this earth is so I have more time with my family and a long lifetime with my wife but more importantly it's a commitment I made to God. It always starts there for me. If lose sight of that then I compromise my whole life.

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