Saturday, April 10, 2010

Aah! At Last I'm a Beachbody Coach

In July of '09, Derek Heikes (Independent Beachbody Coach) asked me to come on board with his team of support coaches for Beachbody, creators of P90X, Power 90, Insanity, etc. The list goes on and on. They are the "leaders of home fitness since 1998" from what the marketing materials site. Anyway, I was very unsure if this would be the correct venture for us at that moment and monetarily it wasn't feasible even though it was a low cost and low risk opportunity. I just didn't have the energy and motivation to do it and besides I just finished P90X. He must have seen something in me to ask me about it. I had great results but nothing like the guys on the infomercials. Anyway, his team is pretty big so I was flattered when he asked me. The thing is I'm not a salesman and may never be and apparently most of the folks I've talked to about Coaching is you don't have to be because you sell the product by sharing with folks your results and the journey. So, this is where I'm at now.

Physically, I'm in the best shape of my life and it continues to get better as the months go on. The past 2 weeks though, have been very challenging at work since we were ending and beginning a new quarter at the school. The demands of an academic chair is something to be reckoned with. So, I'm in the Phase III, the last phase, of my P90X hybrid. I'll have to restart it this week....again and finish all the way through the last 5 weeks. Whew! It's going to be a good finish, I can tell. I've never been this muscular and lean before in my life and I'm excited to see how far I can go. Unfortunately, my clothes continue to loosen and I went down another notch on my belt loop.

My goals during the next 5 weeks is to get ripped as Phase III is where it all comes together. I'm part of a great support network on the Message Boards on the Beachbody website:
I encourage anyone to check it out. It's great for accountability when you workout alone as I do. Screw the gym membership. Who needs a meat market of folks sweat all over the equipment. My average workout is 60 minutes and I do the "Full Tilt Boogie" the entire time in a 10' X 10' space. You can't do that in a gym and it's entirely free. Love it!

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