Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Customer!!!

Well, I acquired my first customer from Beachbody! One of my friends from High School decided to buy P90X and I wish K.D. the best of luck. The great thing is that she isn't doing it alone. Her husband will also be doing ti with her. We need that kind of accountability just to get through the darn thing. She has an amazing testimony all on her own and I think she is going to do great.

Today I did a cardio set. I was supposed to begin Phase III of P90X 2 weeks ago but this crazy schedule of being an academic chair had reached new heights recently and sent my workout schedule upside down. This week I will be able to go full tilt again.

One of my biggest goals is to stick my nutrition and my workouts no matter what. I'll have cheat days here but nevertheless I need to follow through so I can reach my fitness goals. With all the stress of living in So. Cal. this is exactly where I need to pour my stress levels into.

My wife has her own fitness goals especially after she has gained her full range of motion after her hip replacement surgery in September '09. She is shrinking everyday and is determined to fulfill her goals. She walks 5-6 days a week and a cardio workout every other day. She's doing great and inspires me to keep it up!

This is great experience for our daughter, too. Too many kids are growing up with poor habits from their upbringing that will haunt them for the rest of their lives like her parents. She has a good foundation and I believe it will last for the rest of her life. God Willing!

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