Thursday, July 30, 2009

Better Week

This week has turned out to be a better week for workouts. I've piled on the weight more than ever today as I worked on Back & Biceps. I did one arm rows with 55-60 lbs. This is the most I've done so far however there is a pull-up numbers suffered towards the end. Oh least I'll be stronger later.

I'm doing my best to eat clean but today I did have a cookie and an egg roll. Oh my, what will I do? I actually did it to shock people at work because they are as uptight as I was when I started P90X. I can't blame them. Nevertheless, I am trying to eat lots of protein and low carbs the next few weeks. I want to burn off some of this excess fat around my core.

There is something great happening at my work (Art Institute of California - Inland Empire): Many of the folks are on the fitness band wagon. It's very inspiring and it definitely helps me to keep pushing play! The few people I told about P90X has developed into an entire revolution against fat and aging here! Folks appear to be taking it very seriously and like I said, it's a fitness "revolution" that's bound to keep a momentum going. It's not going to be long before we have our own Kempo X sessions here at the school in between classes.

I'm seriously thinking about becoming a Beachbody Coach specializing in P90X. We will see. It appears to be a big commitment on my part so I really have to weigh the pros and cons.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Horrible Week

It's been a week dismay at the San Diego Comic-Con. The days were long and I was barely able to get a workout in. My nutrition was probably the norm for most folks but for me there was not trying because I couldn't get in proper levels of veggies and proteins but, I did get a boat load of carbs. Very disappointing but what else can you do when you are no staying in your own home?

I'll be able to make up for it this week. I will repeat my Week 5 of P90X and eat high protein and low carbs this week.

We didn't really get to see much either so all in all it was very disappointing this year at the Comic-Con. We used to be able to come here with no specific plan until we arrive then just kind of float around and see everything. Now, the Comic-Con is over populated and is very difficult to get around in the fashion we were used to. Next year we'll have to sit down and plan out everyone we want to visit. There were several artists that I wanted to see and we wound up standing in a very long line for certain events that it didn't permit us to do much else. Next year will be different.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Updated Photos

I have my 120 Day photos from P90X I just took yesterday morning. There are subtle differences....mostly in muscle density but my caloric intake is quite a bit more since I'm trying to bulk up. I'm thinking about switching the other way and go leaner. This would mean that I increase my reps from 8-10 to 12-15 on the resistance routines. I'm not sure if I really want to increase the mass or go lean. I'm going to at least continue this round of the P90X and then decide which way to go. I still want to do the P90X+ in Round III but I still have to investigate how that is going to play out.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Recommeded Caloric Intake

I was on the Beachbody Message Boards this week and was reminded to check my caloric intake. Over the past few weeks folks have mentioned modifying their caloric intake for better performance or weight loss. One of the guys posted the Harris Benedict Formula for calculating one's daily caloric needs based several factors: weight, age, activity level, etc. Here is the basic formula but finding your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate: energy it takes to lie in bed) is necessary to calculate first:

Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )

Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

Harris Benedict Formula
To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:
  1. If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
  2. If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
  3. If you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
  4. If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
  5. If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9
For example:
Stef's BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x 168 lbs. ) + ( 12.7 x 68") - ( 6.8 x 39 yrs. old ) = 1711.04
Stef's Daily Caloric Needs = 1711.04 (BMR) x 1.725 = 2,951 calories

2,951 calories is what I need to maintain my current gains at my current activity level at this current weight. Now if you want to shed excess fat like the residual stuff hanging on my lower abs, you need a caloric deficit of at least 500 calories. So, I do want to rid myself of the residual fat on my lower abs so my daily caloric intake is between 2,100 - 2,500 calories.

The basic fact is that you need calories to maintain your activity level even if it's lying in bed sleeping. Depriving yourself of your basic caloric needs for weight loss can dramatically affect your health and energy level. Here is the link to the website for more information:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I feel a little dismayed this morning. My schedule didn't permit me to do all the workouts I planned to do last week. In some ways I feel like I cheated myself. I'm not in Round I of P90X anymore but I still feel like I should've pushed myself a bit further to get that workout in. Last week was extremely busy coming back from vacation into an "Administration Week" but I still feel the guilt. I've got to shake it off and "Keep Pushing Play!"

This week is going great! My workouts are fantastic and my nutrition is solid. I'm glad I don't have to be as stringent in Round II as I was in the last round of the X. I'm doing a combination of Phase I and II. I can at least give me that luxury depending on how I feel that day. However, I am making sure that my I'm doing a 40/40/20 on my resistance days to feed my body the proteins it needs and 20/40/20 on cardio days to fuel my body with carbs for the energy. If there is one thing I'm splurging on here and there is this damn trail mix I have in my office from Costco. I'm filtering out the M & M's and eating the nuts and rasins instead. It's about 2 tablespoons which is about the amount for a normal snack of nuts.

Like I said the workouts are fantastic and I'm able to get some riding time in place of a few cardio days, but it's been ripping Hot out here in So. Cal. I did a 13 mi. XC (cross country) ride at Frank G. Bonelli Park yesterday and I was baking the entire time. I heard rattlers all over the place. I should've put my headphones on because it became distracting and unnerving. Today I'm doing the Kempo Cardio workout form P90X+....and I cannot wait. It's a complete blast!

This week I'm hoping that I lean out a bit more this week so I can reduce the remaining fat on my belly. I'm curious how different my 120 day pics in Round II will be from the 90 day pics in Round I of P90X. If the belly fat doesn't totally go away, I'm cool with it because after 20 years of trial and error in the gym I've never reached this level of fitness before in my life. I've never had definition in my core whatsoever. I did it my way instead of doing a bit of research especially with nutrition.

Alright maybe I'm not so dismayed. Here's an additional thing that came to me by e-mail. This dude Derek Heizek e-mailed me yesterday (official BeachBody coach (P90X, Power 90, 10 Min Trainer) who I talk to on the Message Boards at the BB sight. He asked me if I'd be interested in becoming a BeachBody Coach after all the stuff I do regarding the sharing with others about my journey, active lifestyles, nutrition, and the love for the X. I'm not sure where it's going to sounds like Amway or Partylite Candles but I will certainly investigate it. It's encouraging, too
since this dude made a great transformation.

Here's a pic of him in a handstand in Santa Monica.

Here is a link he sent me for folks doing handstands in Santa Monica:

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I came back from a 2 week vacation and the X must've done something right because folks at work are seeing a difference. It's very humbling and complimentary at the same time. I see myself in the mirror everyday but I see changes because what I see isn't good enough. I believe every so often a person needs to reassess what level of fitness they want to achieve. Is it appearance, performance, or a little of both? And after they reassess their goals what do they need to do to come to a place of maintaining their gains.

Don't get me wrong folks, I love the progress I've made in performance and physique. This program is a Monster that has the ability for one to create mammoth results. It's a really incredible what you can do by good old fashioned resistance training and cardio. However, it's very easy to lose sight of the goals...especially me.

There is concept called the Hero's Journey (coined by Joseph Cambell) I teach to my students. Essentially everyone is on their own journey that began with "The Calling." "The Calling" is noticing that something is wrong or something needs to be changed and after the person figures it out they have to pass what's called "The Threshold." Our Threshold is what's common for all of us and that's P90X.

So, what's "calling" you here? Is something "calling" you for change? The more you search for the answer, the more you find how deep the rabbit hole really is. Crazy!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Good Week!

It's been a trying week but all in all I did my best and that's all that counts. I brought it to the table this week! My numbers continue to increase each day I do resistance and I cannot ask for anymore than that! I've had to rotate my rest day in for a workout because of my busy schedule and I have to double up on the weekend just to get back on schedule.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Busy Week!

I went back to work this week and it's been hectic getting back into the routine again. I'm a college professor and since we're in between quarters there is much to do in very little time. In lieu of the busy work schedule, doing my P90X workouts has suffered a bit. I don't like to modify my workout schedule because of my work but it always happens between quarters. I've been working out late and it's a bit taxing to do heavy workouts so late (10 pm). As long as my nutrition stays relatively good, then I'm fueling my body appropriately for the arduous workouts.

Tonight I'm doing "Shoulders & Arms." I did "Plyometrics" and halfway through I thought I was going to kill over. Each and every time I do push play on this one it's extremely it should be. That's comforting to know that no matter what the workouts continue to be challenging.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

At an Independence Day Celebration dinner my friends nephew, Aaron, told us that he was a personal trainer for roughly 9 years. Now, I've kind of kept my P90X journey discreet...keeps the ego in check and it keeps things peaceful for those who may be wellness challenged. My wife Debbie blurted out, "He just finished P90X!" It was a funny and strange moment because I'm at a family function where several of us are wellness challenged in one way or another.

Well, Aaron lit up like a pinball and said, "That's great! Man that Tony Horton got me and my trainer buddies a bit upset because he put on DVD what we are trying to get people to do all the time!" To make a long story short, he and his colleagues know the P90X plan very well and fully endorse it even though it takes business away from them.

He plugged me with several questions regarding my experiences and results and I was a little hesitant in the midst of the company I was in. Unfortunately the conversation dominated the dinner table and I'm sure indirectly made several of us reconsider our wellness but, quite frankly wellness is something that all people need to be concerned about. It made me reassess my wellness even though I've already taken appropriate steps. Yes, I will always endorse P90X but more importantly I just want my family and friends to take the wellness seriously. Like most people who lack motivation, they wait until there is something to worry about but almost all of the men at the dinner table were 39 and over.

Aaron pointed out several significant things but one of them is getting wellness into our lifestyle early on with children because of the child obesity rate in this country is out of control. He also stated that I chose to take action at the right moment because there is a "wall" that men face in their 40's that is difficult to overcome. He also commended me and Debbie for shaping our daughter's lifestyle without fast food that's a growing problem in today's youth.

It's nice to be validated by a seasoned trainer and to know that the professional community love the program aside from the Beachbody marketing (P90X, Power 90, Chalean Extreme, and 10 Minute Trainer).

I noticed Aaron drank red wine instead of white and I asked him about it. I know that an 6 oz. glass of reds will have more calories than whites so I was perplexed by him purposely opting for the higher calories. He stated that whites do not have the antioxidants that reds do, therefore overall it is a better choice despite the calories. He said that the body will absorb the antioxidants in reds for heart health while whites really don't have the same nutritional value and is stored as fat. Whether red or white wine, it's a person's preference. It goes both ways but one thing that the health community agrees upon is moderate wine consumption is good for your overall health:

Here is a link regarding cocktails on the Beachbody website, home of P90x, 10 Minute Trainer, Chalean Extreme, etc.:

Happy Health one and all!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

P90X Round II: Week 2

Okay, I really brought it this week. My nutrition was great for the most part except extremely low wine consumption (I'm on vacation). Here are the numbers:

Week 1
Push-ups: 287
Pull-ups: 169

Week 2
Push-ups: 303
Pull-ups: 198

I was extremely energetic this week and it felt like I had never stopped P90X. I was so psyched out yesterday when I found out that I did 120 Pull-ups yesterday alone and both sets were in the double digits. Yeehaw!

During the last few weeks of Round I, I was feeling a pop deep in my left shoulder joint. It really freaked me out because I was on the verge of beginning Round II and wasn't sure if it was going to be problematic. Well, I believe it developed over me jumping up to the pull-up bar rather than reaching up and grabbing it. I can barely feel it at all now that I'm not doing that and taking extra time to warm up my shoulders.

In lieu of this, my numbers yesterday had me grinning from ear to ear! Hopefully, Week 3 will have more surprises. BTW, my Push-up numbers don't bother me too much. I was able to do over 75 Push-ups before Round I so, I had that down though, I am still excited to do 16 more this week.

Kempo Cardio rocked today and Plyometrics was a bear because I need new shoes but I pushed through with a frickin blister. I was able to do a 15.8 mile ride on Thursday instead of Yoga and I was tearing it up the fire road. I just love has really helped me improve in all aspects of my fitness.