Saturday, July 4, 2009

P90X Round II: Week 2

Okay, I really brought it this week. My nutrition was great for the most part except extremely low wine consumption (I'm on vacation). Here are the numbers:

Week 1
Push-ups: 287
Pull-ups: 169

Week 2
Push-ups: 303
Pull-ups: 198

I was extremely energetic this week and it felt like I had never stopped P90X. I was so psyched out yesterday when I found out that I did 120 Pull-ups yesterday alone and both sets were in the double digits. Yeehaw!

During the last few weeks of Round I, I was feeling a pop deep in my left shoulder joint. It really freaked me out because I was on the verge of beginning Round II and wasn't sure if it was going to be problematic. Well, I believe it developed over me jumping up to the pull-up bar rather than reaching up and grabbing it. I can barely feel it at all now that I'm not doing that and taking extra time to warm up my shoulders.

In lieu of this, my numbers yesterday had me grinning from ear to ear! Hopefully, Week 3 will have more surprises. BTW, my Push-up numbers don't bother me too much. I was able to do over 75 Push-ups before Round I so, I had that down though, I am still excited to do 16 more this week.

Kempo Cardio rocked today and Plyometrics was a bear because I need new shoes but I pushed through with a frickin blister. I was able to do a 15.8 mile ride on Thursday instead of Yoga and I was tearing it up the fire road. I just love has really helped me improve in all aspects of my fitness.

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