Sunday, July 5, 2009

At an Independence Day Celebration dinner my friends nephew, Aaron, told us that he was a personal trainer for roughly 9 years. Now, I've kind of kept my P90X journey discreet...keeps the ego in check and it keeps things peaceful for those who may be wellness challenged. My wife Debbie blurted out, "He just finished P90X!" It was a funny and strange moment because I'm at a family function where several of us are wellness challenged in one way or another.

Well, Aaron lit up like a pinball and said, "That's great! Man that Tony Horton got me and my trainer buddies a bit upset because he put on DVD what we are trying to get people to do all the time!" To make a long story short, he and his colleagues know the P90X plan very well and fully endorse it even though it takes business away from them.

He plugged me with several questions regarding my experiences and results and I was a little hesitant in the midst of the company I was in. Unfortunately the conversation dominated the dinner table and I'm sure indirectly made several of us reconsider our wellness but, quite frankly wellness is something that all people need to be concerned about. It made me reassess my wellness even though I've already taken appropriate steps. Yes, I will always endorse P90X but more importantly I just want my family and friends to take the wellness seriously. Like most people who lack motivation, they wait until there is something to worry about but almost all of the men at the dinner table were 39 and over.

Aaron pointed out several significant things but one of them is getting wellness into our lifestyle early on with children because of the child obesity rate in this country is out of control. He also stated that I chose to take action at the right moment because there is a "wall" that men face in their 40's that is difficult to overcome. He also commended me and Debbie for shaping our daughter's lifestyle without fast food that's a growing problem in today's youth.

It's nice to be validated by a seasoned trainer and to know that the professional community love the program aside from the Beachbody marketing (P90X, Power 90, Chalean Extreme, and 10 Minute Trainer).

I noticed Aaron drank red wine instead of white and I asked him about it. I know that an 6 oz. glass of reds will have more calories than whites so I was perplexed by him purposely opting for the higher calories. He stated that whites do not have the antioxidants that reds do, therefore overall it is a better choice despite the calories. He said that the body will absorb the antioxidants in reds for heart health while whites really don't have the same nutritional value and is stored as fat. Whether red or white wine, it's a person's preference. It goes both ways but one thing that the health community agrees upon is moderate wine consumption is good for your overall health:

Here is a link regarding cocktails on the Beachbody website, home of P90x, 10 Minute Trainer, Chalean Extreme, etc.:

Happy Health one and all!

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